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Showing posts with label zoomit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label zoomit. Show all posts

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Zoomit : Incredibly Useful Tool from Microsoft

1.     In any of the presentations or on screen visuals on projections system to a live audience we invariably require sometimes to let the audience get focused on something we would like them to see only on the screen......I mean zooming on a portion of screen without getting into the practise of coming out of ppt or ur application and running magnifier or some similar third party's what zoomit does free for you without any major installation worries!!!

2.   ZoomIt is screen zoom and annotation tool for technical presentations that include application demonstrations. ZoomIt runs unobtrusively in the tray and activates with customizable hotkeys to zoom in on an area of the screen, move around while zoomed, and draw on the zoomed image. I wrote ZoomIt to fit my specific needs and use it in all my presentations.ZoomIt works on all versions of Windows and you can use pen input for ZoomIt drawing on tablet PCs.

3.  Download and start using it .....from

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